Sunday, October 22, 2006




http://fridaythethirteen was created on 28th July 2006.
Didn't want previous blogs for some reasons.



my name is DANIELLE TAN
who is fourteen
and live in singapore

Likes to walk around like feel never grow tired
Talk as loudly as i want like nobody's listening
Play as much as i want like sleep isn't a word

I think everyone here is a devil in disguise LOL.



My attitude


%SPEAK" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxmain" style="border:#000000 2px dashed;" id="cboxmain">

love them to the core, dude;
Amanda.">Amanda.>cassandra.">Cassandra.>>cherie.">Cherie.> & Tingxun.
edwin.">Edwin.>> LyeTanFu.
Jeyun.">Jeyun.>>Joylynn.">Joylynn.> Ming
Kylie.">Kylie.> Yan.
Michelle'>">Michelle Leong.
Michelle'>">Michelle Tan.
michelle/'>">Michelle Chia.
My'>">My Photo Blog.




Designer:%20>Brushes: rb.orb">RB.orb>Image:%20>Fonts:

Monday, September 18, 2006

danielle said:
hello. err who are you?

~InUyAsHa~ said:
~InUyAsHa~ said:
guess lor
danielle said:
danielle said:
dun play la
~InUyAsHa~ says:
see who got same pic as me lor
danielle says:
huh how i know -.-

after that, weng came online -.- RAHHH! stupid weng yew. he's lame.

Today went to study with John Joel XianJin & Huiqing. After school, me and Huiqing help Joel with his zuo wen. And he owe both of us each 10 WonTons. Muahaha. We like wrote so many idioms for him?! If he scores well, he must really thank both of us and treat us to lunch.

When we do finish Zuo Wen, Boon Kiat/John/XianJin spotted a sweet wrapper. I thought got sweet so i said "LAO SHI! WO YAO TANG!" and so she passed me the wrapper -.-RAHHH! And walking walking, I put the wrapper into her bag. All of us were like laughing at the back. She don't even know -.- If she find the wrapper and i'm gonna be dead tomorrow!

We went to Holland Village, Burger King. After we ate, LinHong came. Supposed to study but like after 5 mins, we started talking. XianJin went home first as he wanted to study

Lin Hong said this about me "You know the yesterday 11:45. ehh nono 9:00pm on Channel U the show, I can imagine Danielle in the suit"

Wth. RAHH! Is my face so fat until it can fit the Fat Suit. grrrr I'm going on a diet no matter wad.

We played the staring game. The best was Huiqing & John. They stare at each other until Huiqing like teared alot. John teared a little. But they were like the longest. And Boon Kiat was the funniest. He think his eye small than blink nobody can see. Haaaa Me & Huiqing caught him blinking alot of times. Muahahah

Me & John just had a stupid conversation?
danielle said:
John. Guess how much was the fare
danielle said:
It was like only $7.20 without +$2

:: J ø H ñ :: said:
uh huh
:: J ø H ñ :: said:
so is it bad. or good?
danielle said:
err good
:: J ø H ñ :: said:
he charged you extra arh?
danielle said:
haa very good
danielle said:
no la
danielle said:
He just took the fare
danielle said:
Lucky loh

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
i disconnected
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
Lol. haaa nvm
danielle says:
It was cheap la he didn't charge extra

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
so you heard him complain all the way?
danielle says:
But he did complain a little? And he also said he didn't like ogs
danielle says:
danielle says:
haaa No la. He didn't complain much
danielle says:
He say maybe this would bring him luck haaa

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
so much crap
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
He's quite a joker la.
danielle says:
danielle says:
And he got wife and 2 children
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
he told you?
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
or you ask him wan
danielle says:
i ask him

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
i bet you asked him wan lor
danielle says:
Cause we were like talking

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
haaaa. So i just shun bian ask
danielle says:
danielle says:
Its not the bad way

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
good thing i didnt sit beside you
danielle says:
danielle says:
I'm a innocent girl okay : D
danielle says:
Not like John
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
Left -.-

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
and i'm ugly
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
diagonal !
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
danielle says:

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
uh huh?
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
on top

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
danielle says:
lols. You win haa

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
of course i win lahh
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
i win in everything. for i am JOHN
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
the mighty
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
-.- Danielle is better and its a fact

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
i made huiqing cry?
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
and you didnt
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
ha !
danielle says:
danielle says:
You are mean

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
i made you sorta teared too?>
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
so i'm better
danielle says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
I was just being nice to let you win

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
she cried after looking at handsome boy my fault meh
danielle says:

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
danielle says:
danielle says:
I think she almost puked??
danielle says:

:: J ø H ñ :: says:
no lor
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
she was so happy
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
and you were so jealous
danielle says:
ROAR! i'm not jealous
danielle says:
only people like Lin Hong will get jealous
:: J ø H ñ :: says:
uh huh
danielle says:

And Joel somehow made a very funny joke??
Huiqing ; The burger like not as nice as John's
Danielle ; Really ah. Duno leh
John ; Cause my burger is with my love and care {blah blah}
John ; got my saliva also
Huiqing ; err i took the first bite.
John ; Got my sweat too!
Joel ; err isn't it like salty?

Its funny right. Although it doesn't seem funny but picture Boon Kiat saying it. Haaa Me & Huiqing were like laughing??

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today had a long day.. Went to church then went to Orchard to study!

Church's sermon - Depression {how God can help us}

Me Sarah & Jereme met Brian Wilson at Orchard Mrt after church. We than went to Orchard Library to study. We were sitting at Cafe Galilee & we didnt buy anything. The lady than came up to us and kindly asked us to buy something, twice as the first time nobody wanted to buy. In the end Jereme bought haaa.

When everybody had no mood to study already, we went to find something to eat. Brian & Sarah was feeling hungry. It was like only 2 hours after we ate won ton mee. I was feeling abit hungry too haaaa. We walked around trying to find something to eat but everything was just so expensive. And we ended up at the kopitiam. And so we ate :D

After eating, we went to Cineleisure. And went to tcc to eat AGAIN. ROAR! Its all that brian wilson's fault. He treated me :D muahaha. The desert was yumyumyum. Chocolate oozed out from the brownie and there was ice cream ontop. It was simply heaven! But you know how much is the bill, $42.65. For just 4 deserts. Wth?! Its day-light robbery. But Brian paid like $30 of it. Not really, he just took sarah's change and put in a $10 note. Roar the service charge and GST was like $5. Singapore Government is seriously greedy taking money from so young and innocent people like brian.

At tcc, found out about ______'s result. He failed maths, Geog quite good but the rest barely past. grrr can't he study and get promoted to express. but i think if that happens, the sky will fall.

Ate simply alot! i almost couldn't walk. we than went to 3rd level to walk. Nobody ever goes there so we decided to take a look. And after that decided to go to Brian's house.

Watched She's The Man & Tokyo Drift. His room was rather big yea. And he looked so different from last time. He looked so so so much cuter than now. I guess small people look cuter than grown up mature people.

Jereme than send Sarah home as they live near. Dover park view & Dover Close East. Super near hur. Than Brian send me to the bus stop and I took 195. We were laughing about the line in She's the man "Do you like cheese...?" Its stupid haaaaaa.

I realised that i can walk from cine go home. Cause from cine, we walked to Brian's house. And Brian's house is just one stop away from Great World. And Great World can walk home. But pretty far. At least if my ez-link card no money than I can walk home if I'm in Brian's house.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

ROAR! I change blogskin already. But dun really like this. Its acceptable but Not Nice you know. Haa But this was the best among all that i found.

I watched Full House today. I watch episode 7 & 8. Raine like the stupid stupid Xizhen. Then when his wife go out with Minhe, he jealous. Wth la. He's the one that dui bu qi the wife one loh. Bloody Raine. Think he so shuai. In his room got 1 stupid huge photo of him laaa. Eee-Yerrrrr.

Yesterday i saw ____ like alot of times. Huiqing was with me. HAHAHAHAH the best day ever! We take bus look out also can see him :D I didn't see him cause my back was facing the window and Huiqing was sitting opposite me and she saw him. I turned and i saw him too! Wahahahahaha But I don't care about him anymore?! I think Friday was the last day that I was gonna care also.

Today is Saturday. Yay! Woke up around 10+ this morning. Had like 5 dreams. 4/5 are short ones like 5 mintutes only. But dreamt of him. He's just a stupid pathetic guy ruining my life. Rahhh!

I've been having cramps on my feet these few days. Whenever i get up will have. I think i have lack-of-sodium thing. Sister had it before and she had cramps everywhere her body. The doctor had to come over here. The bill was like $200. Its day-light robbery la for goodness sake. Only my grandmother is willing to pay this kind of money. Although its the standard price, still no need to be so high right. The clinic is only 1 block away. Its like so near la. I think one step the doctor make costs $10.

I hate my blogskin. I just can't find a nice one you know. I'm just looking for a plain one. Plain, White, Simple one. So hard to find meh. RAHHH!! Have to make do with this blogskin as my that one has problems on Mozilla.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

TJIF - Thank God Its Friday
--> Just learned it today

School was quite okay today. And i repeat, quite

Took my height and weight today.
height : 162cm {thanks to barnabus, i "grew" 2 cm}
weight : 48kg - wtf! this is the heaviest i ever weighed. i was like 46 last term!}

Me Huiqing XianJin and Jereme played badminton. Quite fun although after many months not playing my skills grew rusty. Haaa. But XianJin is quite pro, i admit. But Jereme play one laa. He anyhow play one. rahh!!

After school/remedial, Me & Huiqing went to Dover. Huiqing wanted to find isaac as Isaac is sending Huiqing home. So sweet hurr. But he was like so defending of Huiqing. Conversation went like this

-ball keep hitting me-
Huiqing ; Wah. Today you unlucky ah ball keep hitting you
Me ; Yahh lah. Stupid ball
Isaac ; Hit you never mind. Dun hit Huiqing can already

Stupid right. Haaa want defend Huiqing no need to be so bad to me right. RAHHH he's just biased

Went back around Five-plus. When Isaac Nicholas and Huiqing bus came, Nicholas said bye. And so i said bye But Isaac also said bye But i was looking at Nicholas?

So sorry Isaac didn't mean to dao you.

After that, i started thinking of that day when i saw Frederick Chong at Hian Ling. Hoped i said hello/bye. I think he will say back too and we won't be so cold to each other. Or maybe he sees me as "the-ugly-freak-who-likes-people-whom-she-knows-for-1-month" Duno also. If i get a chance to see him again, i would say Hi for sure.

I'm starting to have lesser confidence of myself. If you get what i mean. Well I duno what's happening but its just a sudden thing you know.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today LIT we like went crazy?! Mrs Koh didn't come today so some BB teacher took over. He made us sit on the floor, stand up, sit on the floor than sit on the chair. What logic is that 0.o He's abit crazy. Me and Michelle went to the locker to take Skellig as we forgot and he had to write a letter saying

"Permission from name. 13/09/06"

Its just going locker. And when we came back, he asked for the paper back. Err that paper has only 3 words and 6 letters. Can easily write again right.

After that we had to move to learn @ fairfield. Xuening took Michelle's pencil box. Then at L@F Michelle than realised that her pencil box was missing. i was laughing my ass off? haaaa

Xuening and Michelle than went to PA to look for it. When they left, Weizheng pass me the pencil box and i put it in Michelle's bag. Michelle went in the PA herself and she was so embarassed when she couldn't find the pencil case. We were laughing the hell out during LIT. And i only managed to do 1 question. -.-

Mrs Tan postponed the Home Econs Test. Apparently, many did not know there was a test. And i like slogged my brains out and studied everything. The test will be on Friday. I think by the time i will forget everything? well i hope not

After school, Kylie Dorcas Charmaine Liyan Weizheng Huiqing and Me went to dover. But we went seperate ways as they were going to Weizheng's house and Huiqing and I didn't want to go so we went to Hian Ling & Park. Spend the whole day at these 2 places.

At the park was super duper funny. Daniel got whacked by the ball by god knows how many times. And Marcus Ngeow was also funny. He just stand there and the he blocked the goal by doing nothing? He didn't even know the ball was going to him, it just hit him haaaaa. Many Many other things happened haa.

Me & Huiqing went back to Hian Ling. And guess who I saw. FREDERICK CHONG!. he dyed his hair again. well, i preferred his previous hairstyle. I didn't say hi to him. But when i walked him I looked at him and he looked at me and I look down. I duno why I did that but after all that has happened last time, I dun feel good. I wished i had said hello. If I see him again, I think i will say hello. Maybe i will back out last minute. Not sure, lets wait for that day to come.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

i added a huffalump picture. haaaa so cute right lol. today i was watching the movie on disney channel. super cute la huffalump. why is it huffalump and not elephant? i didn't know there wear 2 names to it.

Mmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Ohh Yeah

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been monthsAnd for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Cryin over you

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be

That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Dont make me think about her smile
Or having my first child
I'm letting go
Turning off the radio

Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)

Said I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishin' you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
Why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Why can't I turn off the radio?

i ate wonton for breakfast! and yesterday i ate wonton mee for lunch! its wonton day!! haaa huiqing are you jealous i bet you are!

rahhhhh i duno wad module to study for home econs. have the book also no use. and guess wad.i'm doing assesment now.SJI exam paper. haaaaaa i need to buck up already. and school is gonna reopen tomorrow noooooo!!! i dun want i dun want. and i didnt do a single homework. left it all in the locker. i'm gonna die lah. i duno how to face mr.ho D: i let him down. haaaa.